Creating a strong business and building a better world are not conflicting goals – they are both essential ingredients for long-term success – William Clay Ford Jr. Ford Motor Company
It is a program coordinated by the AMCHAM executive office to help AMCHAM Members enrich their CSR initiatives. MY AMCHAM CARES seeks to:
- Raise awareness of CSR and corporate citizenship.
- Incorporate UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) into MY AMCHAM CARES efforts.
- Showcase AMCHAM members who achieve high levels in CSR in terms of strategy, sustainability, measurability, and communication, online and at the annual luncheon celebration.
- Create a robust and vibrant CSR network among AMCHAM members, to share best practices, successes, and challenges in our CSR initiatives.
Defining corporate social responsibility (CSR):
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business approach that contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders.
CSR is a very broad concept with many definitions and practices, that addresses many topics such as corporate governance, health and safety, environmental effects, diversity, integrity and it’s contribution to economic development. However we define it, the purpose of CSR is to drive change towards sustainability.
The Challenges of CSR
The way CSR is understood and implemented differs greatly for each company and country. Although some companies may achieve remarkable efforts with unique CSR initiatives, it is difficult to be on the forefront on all aspects of CSR. (1) Through MY AMCHAM CARES, members can gain insights, contacts and strategies to address and overcome these challenges.
The Importance of MY AMCHAM CARES
We cannot live and work in silos. Connectivity is all around us, particularly in this day and age. By using MY AMCHAM CARES, AMCHAM members can have access to a wealth of companies and colleagues to discuss issues relating to CSR and sustainability. Chances are high that if you are facing challenges or questions in your CSR efforts, other companies are also facing similar challenges. We can use the MY AMCHAM CARES network to share best practices, stories of success, strategies to overcome challenges and interesting tidbits of information that will make our CSR journey more dynamic and successful. The benefits of MY AMCHAM CARES will be as valuable as members make it. It has the potential to become a strong CSR network among the rich and diverse 260 AMCHAM members.
Participation in MY AMCHAM CARES:
MY AMCHAM CARES is not a competition. On the contrary, the program will provide a basis to benchmark CSR programs, engage with other key stakeholders in CSR, and to share best practices to develop sustainable programs for the future.
Get Involved TODAY
How to Participate in MY AMCHAM CARES:
1. Be an AMCHAM member
2. Have implemented a CSR/corporate citizenship activity or program for at least one year
3. Share your organization’s CSR contact with the AMCHAM executive office. If you have done so already, please email [email protected]
4. Participate in the online survey that will run in July, AMCHAM executive office will be emailing all members at the start of July. Even if you have completed the survey in the year before, we ask your organization to complete the survey in the current year, to update any changes in your CSR initiatives.
5. Send us details on your CSR activities. We would like to showcase your good work in our online network. Please email us at [email protected] for more information on what information we need from your organization
Get more involved:
Get involved in our effort to build a CSR network with the aim of establishing a CSR members’ committee. Email us today if you would like to learn more about how your organization can get involved.