Renew Your 2022 AMCHAM Membership Today!
Renew Your 2022 AMCHAM Membership Today!
It is time to renew your membership at AMCHAM. We are incredibly grateful for your support in 2021, and as we approach 2022 with renewed energy, we need you to continue to be alongside us at every step. Our Tiered Membership offers you the opportunity to support a strong and sustainable partner to face the challenges of 2022 with.
The past two years showcased our resilience and our ability to respond effectively, not just through critical advocacy and best practice sharing, but also by establishing an effective and sought after information resource. The communications program, from email and WhatsApp alerts to the website, was one of the critical deliverables that was only possible because of your investments in the past.
Your membership and the depth of your commitment to a strong Chamber matters. We invite you today to ensure your AmCham remains strong and able to grow so it can face the unknown challenges ahead of us.
In the coming months, you will see further growth in the Chamber shaped by the needs emerging from the recovery Malaysia is facing. From new hires, a proactive engagement program and increased advocacy opportunities, along with more face-to-face interactions and networking, we are looking forward to a very exciting 2022.
Move up a level and help us build stronger. The new Tiered Membership model has proven to be very appealing to our members by providing greater flexibility in driving issues and engagements through the Chamber. We recommend you review the tiers and to consider an increase in your membership level. With your support, we can build a stronger community, grow the Chamber and continue to serve you as best we can.
Each tier brings your company a different level of visibility, engagement, and direct involvement with key aspects of the Chamber. Attached is a PDF that outlines the structure in greater detail. (Kindly click the download link below to view the PDF)
The team at AMCHAM are ready to help you with your 2022 renewals, contact us at [email protected]. Alternatively, you may also call our Business Development Executive, Kevin Roch at (03 2727 0070) for more details and to request your invoice. Thank you for your support for a strong and sustainable American-Malaysian Chamber of Commerce.