What Price, Malaysia?
What Price, Malaysia?

Political and economic stability is a crucial component for businesses, and investors rate it high when selecting locations for future investments. With the multiple changes in government and the impact that has had on current policies, the regulatory environment and, the country’s economic health, what impact does this have on Malaysia at a time when it needs to become highly competitive not just regionally but globally.
On 8 October 2020, AMCHAM invited three thought leaders to answer that question. Achim Schmillen, Senior Economist at World Bank, spoke about the recent developments on the economy in Malaysia and the outlook. Dr. Bridget Welsh, an independent scholar, and political analyst currently based in Kuala Lumpur, provided analysis about the political landscape in Malaysia as of late. Ben Suffian, Co-founder & Director of Programs at Merdeka Centre, provided the audience with in-depth insight into the voter sentiment with regards to the current government.
The panel discussion that followed, allowed for attendees to dive deeper into the subject matters brought up.
Special thanks to all of our speakers for all the insights they brought and also thank you to our attendees and members for the questions and participation.