United Parcel Services (UPS) : Five Continents, 240 Events
United Parcel Services (UPS) : Five Continents, 240 Events

UPS celebrates its 15 th annual Global Volunteer Month (GVM) this October with UPSers across five continents volunteering at 240 events, contributing 335,000 volunteer hours to give back to their communities. UPS has committed to volunteer 20 million hours by 2020, of which over 70 percent of the goal has been reached.
Through UPS’s membership with IMPACT 2030, UPS continues to encourage global employee volunteering to help advance the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
During the month of October, Malaysian UPSers headed off to Kampung Dato Hormat, Sabak Bernam, to lend their helping hand in planting mangrove trees. This was done in support of the Global Environment Centre’s Mangrove Rehabilitation program. We volunteer to help the locals, in hope to further prevent land erosion, to rehabilitate the village environment and its habitability in the long run.