Tighter MCO 3.0 Restrictions
Tighter MCO 3.0 Restrictions

Additional rules to the current SOPs were announced today. They will be effective nationwide 25th May 2021 and are as follows:
- Enforcement activities and roadblocks will be increased. The public is to stay at home if there is no need to be outside.
- 2 strategies to reduce movement:
- Reducing the on-site workforce for both the public and private sectors.
- Reducing the operational hours of the economic sector.
- 80% of the civil service force will Work From Home (WFH).
- For the private sector, the workforce will be reduced with 40% WFH.
- Public transportation will be reduced to 50% capacity. The frequency will also be reduced.
- Business operations will be limited to 8am to 8pm.
- Hotspot Identification For Dynamic Engagement (HIDE) will continue to be utilized. Those deemed high risk will be immediately closed.
- Companies are required to check employees’ MySejahtera status before they enter for ‘high risk’ individuals.
- The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) will provide detailed SOPs.
- Relevant Ministries and the National Security Council will also upload SOPs on their respective websites.
- Food-related businesses (restaurants), grocery, convenience stores, pet stores, petrol stations, and laundry services are allowed to operate from 8am to 8pm.
- Night markets are allowed to operate from 4pm to 8pm.
- Shopping malls can be open until 8pm.
- Pharmacies can open from 8am to 10pm.
Stay tuned for more updates.