Tech in Health
Tech in Health
One of the breakout session on Tech in Health was moderated by Hasnul Nadzrin Shah, Director – Government and Regulatory Affairs IBM Malaysia and the panelists includes Christopher Hall, Head of Health Solutions, Fitbit, APAC, Sainthan Satyamoorthy, Chief Corporate Solutions Officer, AIA, Pang Yee Beng, Senior Vice President – Commercial Business, South Asia and Korea, Dell EMC and Jonathan Collard, VP Government Affairs, Asia Pacific, Johnson & Johnson.
Workforce mobility and rising healthcare costs are challenges to most companies. Companies and Governments also face challenges in the short and long terms as populations age and the workforce gains more mobility. Technology and innovation in healthcare are providing solutions that can address these concerns and sprawling talent pools and manage critical areas for both the public and private sector.
Three issues raised were Tech in Health as it applies to corporate wellness, convergence of healthcare in treatment and curative and, how to protect sensitive data privacy. Cost of healthcare is a concern to Governments, employers and to the individuals. Technology plays an important role to address this concern and the pace of digital innovation will transform the healthcare system and how people manage their health.
Corporate wellness programs can help to increase productivity, avoid cost of healthcare treatment and create a healthy workforce. It will succeed when made a culture in the workplace.
As we know, data is the new power and in the hands of the right people, with technology, it can provide big data analysis of health patterns and trends that can help in prevention of sickness. There must be a balance between technology that is used and policy on data privacy. The data will be of no use to the individual if it is kept and not shared, including with healthcare professionals.