Survival Tactics in The Brave New World of Global Partnerships
Survival Tactics in The Brave New World of Global Partnerships

– The Current Business Climate Requires a Review and Reassessment of Your Organisation’s Third-Party Relationships –
By Zafar I. Anjum, MSc, MS, LLM CFE, CIS, MICA, Int. Dip. (Fin. Crime), Int. Dip. (GRC), MBCI, CII Int. Dip. (AML)
Group Chief Executive Officer, Corporate Research and Investigations Limited
[email protected]
We won’t soon forget the year 2020 and the myriad ways worldwide business was derailed over a microscopic virus that caused a global pandemic. From layoffs and shutdowns to shortages and closures, the long-term effects of the pandemic have yet to be determined. But one thing is certain: The disruption to the global supply chain has wreaked havoc in virtually every business sector.
Automobile manufacturing in Korea has been suspended due to a lack of parts from China. The fashion industry in the United States is struggling over sourcing as garment producers in Asia reduce output. U.K. aerospace manufacturer Rolls Royce has announced it is cutting 9,000 jobs as a result of the coronavirus. And sharp declines in consumer demand have adversely affected global manufacturers who in turn are idling production to curb losses.