Statement by YB Dato ‘ Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali Senior Minister Minster of International Trade and Industry in Relation to CIMS
Statement by YB Dato ‘ Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali Senior Minister Minster of International Trade and Industry in Relation to CIMS
Based on a risk assessment conducted by Ministry of Health (MOH), the Government of Malaysia decided to implement the Full MCO 3.0 (FMCO 3.0) to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the implementation of this FMCO 3.0, all economic and social sectors are NOT ALLOWED except for the 17 listed essential services with a workforce capacity limited at 60%.
Permission letters to operate will only be issued by CIMS 3.0 after the ministry regulating the sector allowed to operate provides confirmation to the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI).
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