Why advertise with AMCHAM?
- AMCHAM is the voice of U.S. Business in Malaysia since 1978
- AMCHAM has strong and credible network with more than 260 U.S., International and local firms in Malaysia
- AMCHAM organizes more than 40 over events with more than 2000 participants annually
- AMCHAM help raise issues and concerns on behalf of its members with the Malaysian and U.S. Government
- AMCHAM has close partnership with the U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur
Book your slot today! Call Kevin Roch at +603-2727 0070 or you can also email us at info@amcham.com.my.

Leaderboard (All Pages)
Dimension 1140px x 88px
File Format: JPG, GIF, PNG
File Size Limit: 150KB
Half Page (All Pages)
Dimension 255px x 235px
File Format: JPG, GIF, PNG
File Size Limit: 150KB

Business Spotlight
Dimension 240px x 110px
File Format: JPG, GIF, PNG
File Size Limit: 150KB