Seminar on The benefits, regulation and managing of outsourcing of IT services
Seminar on The benefits, regulation and managing of outsourcing of IT services

UK-Based Open Computing Alliance together with AmCham Malaysia is organizing a Half-Day Seminar on The benefits, regulation and managing of outsourcing of IT Services for the banking industry in Malaysia
The agenda will focus on the pressing issues facing the banking industry in Malaysia. As technology advances through innovation, risk management and outsourcing are providing new ways for banks to use technology. Non- core bank Services may now be outsourced using Cloud Computing to provide greater flexibility and economy.
It will look at the current issues around data sovereignty and governance, taking advantage of the fact that there will be both Malaysian and visiting experts speaking who will guide the discussions and give their invaluable insights and expertise on these hot topics.
The discussion will be more focused on risk management, policy and compliance issues. Senior management in Risk and Legal/Compliance within banks in Malaysia would benefit from attending, as well as would CTO/CIO’s charged with policy implementation.