Roundtable Discussion with ITIC
Roundtable Discussion with ITIC

AMCHAM on Wednesday 20th February hosted a joint roundtable discussion between our members and the Information Technology Industry Council (, a Washington D.C.- based member organisation that advocates to governments around the world on policy areas relating to the development of high-technology sectors.
AMCHAM and ITIC have many shared members and shared policy priorities in Malaysia. We have collaborated with ITIC on several advocacy initiatives relating to the information and communications technology (ICT) industry over the past 18 months, and this roundtable was an excellent opportunity for members of our online working groups to put faces to names and to update one another on the latest status of our engagements with the Malaysian government.
AMCHAM also accompanied ITIC in joint delegations to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) as well as Malaysian Technical Standards Forum Bhd (MTSFB), the body tasked with consulting industry in developing technical codes for high-technology sectors.