Breakfast Briefing: Reducing Fraud and Corruption Risk
Breakfast Briefing: Reducing Fraud and Corruption Risk

International anti-corruption regulation such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and UK Bribery Act (UKBA) is becoming stricter and more expansive. At the same time, multinational corporations operating in Southeast Asia are being subjected to increased scrutiny by local regulatory agencies that increase risks of litigation, liability, sanctions, and reputational damage. As a result, many business leaders are no longer waiting for whistleblower emails, or worse still, a call from the regulators, to directly address issues of fraud and corruption within their company. However, fraud is still a significant and pervasive problem in Southeast Asia, and internal controls and policies are persistently circumvented or overriden by employees and third parties across the region. Many of these frauds go undetected for several years, and can end up costing the company millions of follars in losses.
In this Seminar, Control Risks will outline regional trends in fraud and corruption risk that companies in Southeasr Asia face on a day-to-day basis, and provide insights into the most successful prevention and detection methodologies and best practices to effective manage these risks, highlighted through a number of real-life case studies.
Speakers line-up:
i) Angela Mancini – Director, Global Client Services for Southeast Asia
ii) Linda Sim – Senior Consultant, Corporate Investigations