PwC Malaysia
PwC Malaysia
– Kampus Digital, upskilling undergraduates with relevant digital skills for the workforce.
In 2019, the PwC global network launched ‘New world. New skills.’, a global initiative that aims to narrow the digital divide by upskilling millions of people worldwide. For PwC Malaysia, we have been running several initiatives under our ‘Komuniti Digital’ programme to upskill the community around us, one of them being ‘Kampus Digital’.
Kampus Digital was designed to help students improve their digital skills while preparing them for the workforce by increasing their awareness of employer expectations. With these new skills, the programme presents an opportunity for students to differentiate themselves in a competitive job market.
Our pilot programme in January 2021 covered modules on spreadsheets along with Digital Fitness assessments. We have since expanded the modules to include lessons on presentation tools and digital citizenship. In May 2021, we launched phase two of the programme with enrolment of Accounting/Finance/Business students from two universities. In total, 149 students have completed the programme since the pilot.
All modules were delivered virtually, with more than 30 volunteers from PwC Malaysia contributing over 200 hours of their time to develop the modules and mentor the students. We saw a significant improvement especially in the spreadsheet modules. For instance, after attending the mentoring sessions and studying the modules, more than 70% of participating students scored 80% and above for the assessments – a significant improvement from 20% before.
Feedback from a student:
“My expectation of the programme is to learn the skills and knowledge needed to enter the digital workforce. Upon completion of the programme, I plan to apply the knowledge I’ve learned, include the skills in my resume and be more aware of digital skills.”
Our third iteration of this programme, which started in October 2021 involves four universities with more than 300 participants on board.
Learn more about what we’re doing via the link below or search the #PwCMYCR hashtag