Procedures for Malaysian returning from Singapore for emergencies

Below is the latest set of procedures for Malaysians wanting to return from Singapore to Malaysia for emergencies purposes

  1. Apply Travel Note through the website below (attach death certificate/doctor’s letter) from the High Commission in Singapore. You will need both Travel Note and the LOU at the Singapore airport before boarding.


  1. At the same time, send an email to MOH to get the exemption of the 14 days quarantine (Normally, they will not grant the 14 days quarantine exemption but only allow to visit the critically ill relative / attend funeral but to be accompanied by quarantine station staff). Do attach the death certificate/doctor’s letter.


Note : List of Premium quarantine hotels that you can pre-book and chauffeured from KLIA to the hotel (very fast processing at KLIA). They can help to arrange for the quarantine station staff for the visit: