Philip Morris (Malaysia)
Philip Morris (Malaysia)

“For PMI, sustainability is more than just a means to minimize negative externalities and mitigate risks while maximizing operational efficiency and resource optimization. We see it as a fundamental opportunity for innovation, growth, and purpose-led, impact-driven, long-term value creation, as well as a way to respond to the concerns of shareholders and other stakeholders. In order to achieve this, it is paramount that our company understands ESG issues that are relevant to our business success. Managing well our company’s ESG performance can create competitive advantages, such as ensuring compliance with current and anticipated regulations, establishing a solid shareholder base, increasing stakeholder trust, improving corporate reputation and brand equity, mitigating the effects of supply chain disruptions, preserving business continuity, enhancing organizational resilience, and boosting employee morale, workforce productivity, talent attraction, and retention. To yield these potential benefits and mitigate legal, financial, and reputational risks, ESG considerations are regularly assessed, addressed, and embedded in an integral way throughout our business. As a result, at PMI, ESG is considered an input of our corporate strategy, with sustainability being the desired outcome.”