NationGate : Donations exceeded RM700k (2015-2017)
NationGate : Donations exceeded RM700k (2015-2017)

As a responsible corporate citizen, NationGate has placed CSR activities as a priority. We understand that a strong CSR program is an essential element in achieving good business practices, effective leadership and the nurture of the next
generation of leaders in the industry and nation.
We have prioritized several key categories namely, education, awareness of technology and Science, assistance to less fortunate and natural disaster victims from the year 2013 until 2017, the Group has donated a total of RM718,000 to
CSR programs.
The breakdown of the categories of sponsorship as :
RM272,000 for Education (38 %)
RM168,000 for Charity (23 %)
RM101,000 for Technology (14 %)
RM177,000 for others (25 %)