MY AMCHAM CARES Plans for 2018
MY AMCHAM CARES Plans for 2018
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an integral part of the sustainable business model that successful companies are integrating into their core business. At the American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce, enhancing CSR is also one of our primary objectives.
MY AMCHAM CARES is a programme coordinated from the AMCHAM Executive Office to help AMCHAM members enrich their CSR initiatives. MY AMCHAM CARES is a platform for AMCHAM members to network and share ideas to make this world a better place. It is not a competition.
All members who meet the participation criteria will be recognized as part of MY AMCHAM CARES. Participation includes sharing your company’s CSR contact, completing the online CSR survey, and sharing information on your CSR initiatives when requested to do so, among others.
The online CSR survey has just been sent out to all AMCHAM members and will run until 27 July 2018. The survey, while in part determining who may receive special recognition for their CSR initiatives, will help us assess our strengths and areas for improvement. MY AMCHAM CARES wants to work with the members to use this information to develop a series of workshops, speakers, and clinics for on-going self-improvement and sharing of best practices for CSR.
Yes, there will be special recognition for a few members who demonstrate excellence in embedding CSR into their corporate culture. But through MY AMCHAM CARES, we want it to bring recognition to the entire body of CSR work all our members are doing. This will be a long process, but we hope it will be a meaningful and enriching journey for all who participate.
Over the next few months, we want to begin bringing in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the MY AMCHAM CARES platform, to help provide a common language to communicate, measure and share our achievements on global, national and even local level.
Ultimately, we will use MY AMCHAM CARES to demonstrate how our combined efforts at the global and national level, are making this world a better place.
Coming up:
- In August we plan to initiate a meeting to explore the establishment the MY AMCHAM CARES committee. By establishing a CSR committee, we can coordinate and utilize the survey information, and our members’ inputs, to formulate what we need to focus on over the coming months, to create greater achievements in CSR.
- In September we will be organizing an SDG panel session, to focus on how to incorporate the SDGs into our CSR efforts for greater sustainability, strategy, measurability, and communication.
- November will be the MY AMCHAM CARES special recognition and Thanksgiving event.
MY AMCHAM CARES will be as impactful and vibrant as our members make it. Let’s use it to make this world, and our businesses, better.