Mondelēz Malaysia Sales Sdn Bhd
Mondelēz Malaysia Sales Sdn Bhd

– Empowering over 5,000 students in Malaysia –
Joy Schools is Mondelēz International’s adopt-a-school programme that empowers school children to make positive changes towards improving their overall wellbeing. Joy Schools addresses the lack of healthy eating habits through a collaborative community partnership platform with the Ministry of Education, schools, parents and non-governmental organisations across three core pillars:
• Access to Fresh Food – pioneering a Garden-to-Table initiative within the school compounds for students to grow fresh produce comprising herbs, vegetables, and fruits that are served as main ingredients in school canteen dishes.
• Nutrition Education – creating nutrition awareness by instilling the importance of healthy eating habits and making balanced food choices through fun-filled discussions and hands-on experiences among students.
• Active Play – advocating active play by converting classrooms into vibrant and interactive spaces, build upcycle playground, in order to promote physical engagement and collaborative learning among students.
Mondelēz is set on transforming the lives of more than 1.5 million children across 18 countries with this threepronged approach to well-being. The Joy Schools program was established in 2011 in the Philippines, and in Malaysia in 2015. Since its inception, Joy Schools has benefitted over 5,000 students in Malaysia across 5 schools nationwide.