Message from the CEO
Message from the CEO
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our members and friends Selamat Hari Raya! It’s unfortunate that we’re once again under the restricted movements of MCO 3.0 for the holidays but I truly hope that despite the rising numbers, you will have a warm celebration and most importantly, stay safe. Minimizing all movements will help bring the infection rate down and relieve the already stressed healthcare workers.
We hope that our companies are taking full advantage of reaching out electronically. Don’t forget to take advantage of our Member’s Only Hari Raya 15% discount on all advertisements. Book your slot with Yvonne Miranda at [email protected] before the promotion ends on Monday, 17 May.
A quick update, the Chamber has been very busy actively engaging with the government to try and provide more clarity and information to you, our members. MITI has been an excellent partner along with Immigration as we sort through details from various sectors.I hope that you still enjoy the daily updates and if you have any suggestions on areas we could include please do let us know. Please also note our Monthly Members Briefing is held every 1st Wednesday of each month.
Our 44th Annual General Meeting (AGM) is coming up on 15 June. We are hoping that the MCO will be lifted by then and that the traditional luncheon that follows will be allowed to happen as YB Khairy Jamaluddin, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation has kindly agreed to join us for this signature program. We will naturally follow the protocols of the day but we are keeping our fingers crossed that we’ll be able to proceed with the hybrid AGM and a limited seating program where our members can be kept safe by practicing strict SOPs.
The vaccine roll-out, while slower than we would all probably like is underway and matching the pace of supplies of the approved vaccines. The most we can do is to ensure our staff and colleagues are kept aware of the efficacy of vaccines and be encouraged that a vaccine can help them stave off a severe reaction to any infection. AMCHAM encourages everyone to register on MySejahtera if they have not already and, if they are medically able, to get vaccinated to protect themselves and those around them.
Your long-anticipated 2021 Membership Directory will be sent to you very soon. Special thanks to all the companies that placed an advertisement with us, your support is much appreciated especially during this time when we have limited resources. Please take 5 minutes to update your profile, add a picture, update changes in your designation. If you don’t know how or have not updated your information with us for a while, please reach out to Kevin Roch immediately at [email protected] to update your records; if not, we will proceed to print with what we have in our system. If your company has changed its logo recently – please ensure we have the right one!
Selamat Hari Raya! Stay safe and we hope to see you soon.
Siobhan Das
Chief Executive Officer