Message from the CEO – 2021 MY AMCHAM CARES Survey

We are launching the 2021 MY AMCHAM CARES SURVEY today. We need your participation to celebrate our member companies that support the global call for greater commitment to the values around environmental, social, and governance values. What you do matters, but to continue, how you do it may matter more. We hope you will join us in 2021; take the survey and benchmark yourselves amongst your peers.

The MY AMCHAM CARES benchmarking survey the Chamber runs annually is designed to probe more deeply into HOW each company undertakes their journey towards ensuring good corporate governance for the benefit of society and the environment.

By undertaking this survey we hope it gives you pause to not just review how your programs play out strategically for the company or community, if they are designed to be a sustainable part of the company’s activities, have the right measuring tools be put in place and lastly, if a communication infrastructure is in place to reveal the learnings and successes.

As many problems are hard to solve alone and are often linked to ideas beyond our immediate reach, the importance of finding and working with good partners is also becoming critical to having an impact. So this year, we are adding a new section in the MY AMCHAM SURVEY to capture how you work with and within partnerships.

If you’re new to the Chamber and not familiar with the MY AMCHAM CARES survey, please reach out to Elaine Wong at [email protected] or Kevin Roch at [email protected].

Participate today and we hope to be recognizing you at our signature Thanksgiving Luncheon, on 24 November.

Thank you.

Siobhan Das