Members’ Briefing Webinar
Members’ Briefing Webinar

On 23 April, 2020, AMCHAM held its first virtual Members’ Briefing. Attendance was high, exceeding 60, and lively.
The briefing began with AMCHAM CEO Siobhan Das updating members on what’s been going on at AMCHAM since the Movement Control Order (MCO) was implemented. Major highlights include the new working groups within the AMCHAM membership specifically to tackle the issues related to MCO. Also highlighted were the developments with the MY AMCHAM CARES initiatives in supporting the frontliners fighting COVID-19.
Dean Thompson, Charge d’Affaires of the U.S. Embassy of Malaysia provided insight on the U.S efforts towards battling the COVID-19, updates on APEC and introduced some new products and services to lighten the load for businesses, as well as business and economic issues impacting citizens and business in Malaysia currently.
Members participated in a Q&A session, discussing topics such as Singapore’s current situation, migrant workers, safety issues, and more. Overall, this was a successful virtual session, look forward to more.