[Member Exclusive] Emerging FDI Opportunities for Malaysia
[Member Exclusive] Emerging FDI Opportunities for Malaysia
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has always been a great contributor to the development of Malaysia’s economy. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has not only shaken the economic stability globally but also affected Malaysia’s position as a trading nation. As a result, the government of Malaysia has made few announcements with regards to measures and strategies it will take to mitigate these issues.
On Tuesday 30 June 2020, AMCHAM hosted the Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), in a member-exclusive webinar which provided an overview of the FDI developments in Malaysia. Dato’ Azman Mahmud, Chief Executive Officer of MIDA gave an exclusive presentation for this session and provided attendees an idea of what the government has planned, to continue making an attractive location for FDI. This marks the beginning of an ongoing series that AMCHAM will be having with MIDA, giving its members access to hear from MIDA and for MIDA to hear from the AMCHAM members. Stay tuned for the next sessions.