Meeting with PERKESO & MOHR

PERTUBUHAN KESELAMATAN SOSIAL (PERKESO) and Ministry of Human Resources (MOHR) hosted a fruitful engagement with various Chambers of Commerce seeking inputs on the recently announced rules for hiring expatriates and foreign workers.

Representing AMCHAM, Siobhan Das discussed the need for expertise and mobility in a company’s talent profile. While having a good base of talent, there are gaps in the Malaysian workforce which, unless filled, will slow Malaysia’s growth at a time when there is much opportunity.

The role of the expatriate in key positions at MNCs provides a multiplier effect and delivers skilled job opportunities for the Malaysian workforce. The ratios are significant and the Chambers present encouraged PERKESO and the Ministry of Human Resources to fine-tune the rules so that investors could, concurrently manage their investments, drive growth in their businesses and develop the local workforce.

PERKESO understood the concerns raised and committed to discuss them internally and to provide the clarity needed. We look forward to hearing and developing a regular engagement with the Ministry, PERKESO, and Immigration.