JLL Property Services (M) Sdn Bhd
JLL Property Services (M) Sdn Bhd

– Donate Blood, Save Lives –
Did you know? One unit of blood can saves up to 3 lives as it can be separated into 3 components- red blood cells, platelets, and plasma, to treat different medical conditions. To us in JLL Property Services (M) Sdn Bhd (JLLPS), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not merely a chore. It is in our DNA, the wish to give back and contribute to societal goals.
The Blood Donation Campaign was held in conjunction of our Diversity and Inclusion Week. At JLL, we believe a diverse and inclusive workplace is a strong workplace. Our staffs are differ in many ways- gender, age, educational background, country of origin, work experience, talents, and the list goes on. We leverage on the diversity, celebrate our differences and complement each other to make a well-rounded team.
The CSR initiative is one of our many activities during the Diversity and Inclusion Week. It was held with the objective to support the blood supply of the Malaysian government’s blood bank, as well as to raise awareness and to encourage the public to contribute to the society. Every drop of blood donated is the potential lifesaver to someone else.
The mentioned event received full support and active participation from not only our own staff, but also the public from the office tower. At the end of the event, we managed to contribute as much as 70 pints of blood.