JA – Show your Gratitude Competition
JA – Show your Gratitude Competition

2020 dawned bright and full of promise for all, and then hurtled us into an abyss of uncertainty, with children and parents trying to stay safe indoors, while a host of frontliners and essential services personnel battled on to flatten the curve, and to save and sustain lives. Staying at home, without a definitive end date in sight, brings about its own challenges to children, and a kind of stress to the parents in trying to engage and entertain their children.
JA Malaysia would like to reach out to the children, through their parents, to engage them in a simple learning exercise of appreciating the world of work and occupations, with an experiential fun competition, to shift their focus to a feeling of gratitude. With gratitude, people acknowledge the goodness in their lives, helping them feel more positive, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity and build strong relationships.
JA Malaysia is seeking for corporates to partner/sponsor this effort to reach out to as many children as possible to engage in a great wave of gratitude.
Attached is a proposal on JA-Show Your Gratitude Competition:
We are seeking:
A) Main Sponsor to support us with a RM 20,000 grant to :
- Develop the materials and training videos for the competition
- Viral the message through as many channels
- Project manage the Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the competition
- Develop a post Competition Video of top Entries.
Main Sponsor(s) will be featured prominently on all Competition and Training Materials and Postings
B) Prize Sponsors :
- 1st Prize of RM 2000 (In Cash or Kind) – Qty 2 each
- 2nd Prize of RM 1500 (In Cash or Kind) – Qty 2 each
- 3rd Prize of RM 1000 (In Cash or Kind) – Qty 2 each
- 4th Prize of RM 500 (In Cash or Kind ) – Qty 2 each
- 5th Prize of RM 250 (In Cash or Kind) – Qty 2 each
- Consolation prizes of RM 50 (In Cash or Kind ) – Qty 20 each
Prize Sponsors will be acknowledged accordingly in Competition & Training Materials and Postings
Benefits to the Sponsors:
- Giving back to society and community by developing Gratitude
- Enabling your own staff and family to be engaged in a entertaining and educational activity and experience with their children
- Engaging your staff directly in a judging or supporting role for the competition, enabling them to get the benefit of experiencing first hand the expressions of gratitude by the children.
As we would really like to engage with the children soonest possible to be truly effective, we seek your kind assistance to advise whether your company would be able to support the JA – Show your Gratitude Competition. We would greatly appreciate your kind feedback by the Thursday 30th April 2020.