IBM Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
IBM Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

– Putting smart to work for our company and the world –
IBM combines the greatest strengths of our company and its people — technology, expertise and energy — to develop innovative programs focused on challenges facing communities where we live and work. Our Corporate Citizenship initiatives are focused in Education and skills; Health; and Community Resiliency.
Towards our focus in Education and skills, we trained 330 educators across Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Johor to use IBM’s analytics Artificial Intelligence platform to enable 13,000 school students to build foundational skills in data analytics. Meanwhile, 60 special education educators have received teacher professional development to use IBM’s design thinking methodology to improve Science learning amongst 1,800 disabled, and sensory impaired students.
In the area of Health, we worked with the Malaysian Mental Health Association (MMHA) to use social media analytics and subsequently develop a cohesive strategy to improve reach to youth at risk of mental health issues by 300% via social media. We additionally worked with the National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM) to develop data management and analytics capabilities to enable the organization to better measure the impact and improve youth smoking cessation programs in public schools.
Within our focus in Community Resiliency, we worked in partnership with the Sarawak Ministry of Education, Science & Technological Research to provide effective pro-bono consulting teams of experts to four public agencies to kickstart the agencies’ digital transformation journey into supporting the state of Sarawak’s Digital Economy Strategy. In line with this digital focus also, we facilitated more than 600 students across 3 districts in Sarawak in building essential digital skills through constructing and programming cardboard robots with Artificial Intelligence.
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