Hess Exploration & Production Malaysia B.V.

– Creating Long Lasting Positive Impacts on the Communities Where We Operate

At Hess, social responsibility (SR) means maintaining the highest standards of corporate citizenship as we work to deliver the energy the world needs – energy that is fundamental to advancing economic progress and improving living standards. SR, which is one of the six Hess Values, is foundational to the culture of our company and to our engagement with the communities where we operate; it includes protecting the health and safety of our workforce, safeguarding the environment and creating a long lasting positive impact on our communities.

Hess continues to support local communities in Malaysia through our investment in education. Hess has partnered with the U.S. Embassy in Malaysia to support the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) program in Kelantan since 2018, bringing ETAs to teach English in public secondary schools. Last year, the program reached almost 9,000 students in the state through classroom learning and 29 English camps. Hess is also supporting the MyKasih “Love My School” Student Bursary Program in Kelantan which provides financial assistance in the form of cashless bursaries to 80 students from underprivileged families in the Orang Asli indigenous community, giving them a better chance at completing their educations and building better lives for their families.

This year, in support of our frontline workers who have been working tirelessly to combat COVID-19, Hess has contributed over 60,000 units of live-saving supplies such as face masks, hand sanitizers and medical gloves to several hospitals, district health clinics and police headquarters in Kelantan and Terengganu. In addition, the company donated approximately 4000 meals to the frontliners and underprivileged communities in Kelantan which were distributed by Hess volunteers.