Guidelines On The Application Of Subsections 12(3) And 12(4) Of The Income Tax Act 1967 In Determining A “Place Of Business”

A year after the initial announcement, the Ministry of Finance and the Inland Revenue Board on 21 May 2020 released the much-awaited Guidelines on the Application of Subsection 12(3) and 12(4) of the Malaysian Income Tax Act 1967 in determining a “Place of Business”. 

These guidelines are of importance to a number of our member companies, as they have an impact on supply chains and other businesses in Malaysia. To help American companies in Malaysia understand the ramifications, we will hold a program to closely examine the legal provisions and accompanying guidelines.

The Guideline By Inland Revenue Board

Guidelines on the Application of Subsections 12(3) and 12(4) of the Income Tax Act 1967 in Determining a “Place of Business”

Client Alerts:

By Deloitte

Guidelines on the Application of Subsections 12(3) and 12(4) of the Income Tax Act 1967 in Determining a “Place of Business” The impact on the US companies and others from Non-Treaty Countries


Guidelines on determining whether a “place of business” exists in Malaysia in the absence of a tax treaty