Guidelines On The Application Of Subsections 12(3) And 12(4) Of The Income Tax Act 1967 In Determining A “Place Of Business”
Guidelines On The Application Of Subsections 12(3) And 12(4) Of The Income Tax Act 1967 In Determining A “Place Of Business”
A year after the initial announcement, the Ministry of Finance and the Inland Revenue Board on 21 May 2020 released the much-awaited Guidelines on the Application of Subsection 12(3) and 12(4) of the Malaysian Income Tax Act 1967 in determining a “Place of Business”.
These guidelines are of importance to a number of our member companies, as they have an impact on supply chains and other businesses in Malaysia. To help American companies in Malaysia understand the ramifications, we will hold a program to closely examine the legal provisions and accompanying guidelines.
The Guideline By Inland Revenue Board
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By Deloitte