GSK Malaysia Launches Their #GiveBack Recycling Campaign for Safe Disposal of Old Inhalers
GSK Malaysia Launches Their #GiveBack Recycling Campaign for Safe Disposal of Old Inhalers
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, June 23, 2022 – GSK Malaysia is committed to its long-term ambition of delivering net zero emissions across all operations by 2030. By striving to reduce its environmental impact, GSK Malaysia announced the launch of its very own Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) campaign called #GiveBack, focusing on safe and responsible disposal of old and used inhalers.
#GiveBack is held through collaborative working with over 50 outlets of Big Pharmacy across the Klang Valley and Seremban and will soon be extended to a nationwide campaign. During this pilot phase of the campaign, patients are encouraged to drop off their used, unwanted or expired inhalers at participating pharmacies to help reduce plastic waste and the adverse effects that the propellant has on the environment.
In a next phase of the campaign, GSK is looking into the feasibility of having the collected inhalers recycled into materials that can be repurposed, such as materials for local artists to create art installations. GSK Malaysia is keen on collaborating with many social enterprises that share similar ESG values.
Jonathan Pan, Vice President & GM of GSK Malaysia said, “The programme has already been conducted in the UK and will help pave the way for a more environmentally sustainable treatment of respiratory diseases in Malaysia. By 2030, we hope to create an impact that results in major savings in terms of material waste and carbon emissions.”