Evolving Landscapes: Updates to International Arbitration
Evolving Landscapes: Updates to International Arbitration

Companies involved in international business relations are often subject to international arbitrations within various locations. Naturally, it is important for companies to take note and stay ahead of developments within arbitration.
On Thursday, AMCHAM in collaboration with the Asian International Arbitration Centre held a topical webinar on Updates to International Arbitration. Speakers for this webinar were Chelsea Pollard from the International Case Counsel at Asian International Arbitration Centre (AIAC), Zac Sharpe, Partner from Jones Day, Janice Tay, Partner from Wong & Partners (member firm of Baker & McKenzie International), and Sarah Thomas, Partner from Morrison & Foerster
In this session, the current legal updates across jurisdictions in Asia and the United States were covered along with an in-depth discussion on it affects American businesses involved in international arbitration with foreign arbitral seats. This session also covered the concept of virtual hearings and whether that can become a household method, especially in light of the current pandemic.