Management & Supervisory Staff in CMCO Areas to Work From Home
Management & Supervisory Staff in CMCO Areas to Work From Home

The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) today released a press statement on the Malaysian government’s decision to implement Work From Home (WFH) arrangements for management and supervisory roles for companies operating within the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) areas, starting 22 October 2020.
This WFH directive is only applicable to employees in a management or supervisory role. Those involved in direct operations e.g. manufacturing, maintenance, logistics, transportation, distribution of goods, sales, storage, warehousing and provision of services are not subject to the directive.
Flexibility to companies is provided: 10% of management and supervisory level staff can be in the office at any one time, in accordance with the 4 hour a day (10am to 2pm), 3 days per week limit. Companies may determine the 3 days in a week, and rotations are permitted.
Furthermore, companies are allowed the flexibility to determine what constitutes ‘management’ and ‘supervisory’ roles.
The SOP / guidelines for swab testing has not yet been released by the government. In the interim, workers are allowed to go to work until the guidelines are issued.
Employees are to have their work pass / letter from the employer to certify their employment for movement to and from work. This practice remains from tomorrow onwards, even for the 10%.
Please note that there is no need for any company to apply for approval from MITI for their management / supervisory staff to work in the office.
MITI is expected to release a FAQ for the WFH directive soon.
Read Full Press Statement: