Dell’s MentorConnect 2021 Program
Dell’s MentorConnect 2021 Program
As a participating organization in Dell’s MentorConnect 2021 Program, AMCHAM CEO, Siobhan Das hosted the first meeting for mentees assigned to her today. The eight mentees in her group were allocated from AMCHAM members – AIG, Dell and Microsoft.
After a round of quick introductions, the session delved into the topic of managing change. Siobhan and the mentees engaged in a discussion about what is change, what conditions enable it and how change can be managed. The session then closed with a quick activity on the “how to work with me” framework that is designed to help the mentees reflect and understand themselves better.
Dell’s MentorConnect is an inter-company networking program launched in 2019 by Dell with the aim to harness the power of company-to-company relations to inspire and empower team members. Participating companies will elect 1 mentor and several mentees for the program. The mentees will be assigned to different mentors across the participating companies.
Special thanks to Dell for inviting AMCHAM to partake in the MentorConnect program of 2021