Deadline Extended to April 12: Last Call For Advertisers (2019 Membership Directory)

AMCHAM would like to invite members and non members to actively participate by placing an advertisement in our 2019 Membership Directory. This is a great opportunity to maximize the exposure of your organization.  The Membership Directory is an effective medium to promote the interests of our corporate members – and the AMCHAM organization as a whole.

If you’re interested to buy an advertisement space, kindly indicate your preference when completing the attached commitment form which you may return to Yvonne Miranda at Advertising commitments will be treated on a first-come, first-served basis and the deadline for submission is on April 12, 2019.

Why advertise with AMCHAM?

  • We’re an active foreign Chamber in Malaysia with about 1500 members representing over 270 members companies
  • You are reaching thousands of high-level American, international and local professionals that are well connected with us
  • We offer affordable advertising rates

How does your ad reach our members and guests? Copies will be distributed to the following:

  • All members
  • The Malaysian and U.S. Government
  • AMCHAM’s within ASEAN region and Washington D.C.
  • Other International Chambers/ Associations/ Business Councils

For more information, contact Yvonne Miranda, Membership & Engagement Manager at or +603 2727 0070.

Download – 2019 Advertisement Commitment Form