Further Clarification on Nationwide COVID-19 Screening Program for Foreign Workers
Further Clarification on Nationwide COVID-19 Screening Program for Foreign Workers
Following the re-implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) on 13 January 2021 and the announcement of the Perlindungan Ekonomi & Rakyat Malaysia (PERMAI) Assistance Package by the YAB Prime Minister on 18 January 2021, the Ministry of Human Resources will extend the scope of the COVID-19 Screening Program For Foreign Workers nationwide commencing 2 February 2021.
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Further clarification provided by the Malaysian Government to Chambers and Associations:
– The definition of foreign worker excludes expatriates and only covers those who are employed under a temporary foreign worker permit (PLKS – Pas Lawatan Kerja Sementara).
– The screening of foreign workers involves all sectors with no exceptions.
– It is a one-off mandatory screening. For those who have been tested, they do not need to be screened again.
– During the current MCO, screening can be conducted by all industries operating during this time.
– If there is a positive case found, the premises only need to close for the disinfection period. Most premises can continue to be used after disinfection. Enclosed premises with a strong disinfection smell will have to wait 24 hours. Once the disinfection process is completed, the District Health Office must be informed to re-open the premises.
– Positive cases discharged from the hospital / District Health Office Clinic / home can immediately go back to work.
– Close contacts who have completed a 10-day isolation period can go back to work without re-testing.
– For employee screening, those negative can continue working unless they are a close contact to a positive case.