Berjaya Starbucks Coffee Company Sdn Bhd
Berjaya Starbucks Coffee Company Sdn Bhd

From the very beginning, Starbucks has set itself out to be a different kind of company. Aside from achieving extraordinary coffee experiences, Starbucks has made a business out of human connections, community involvement and the celebration of diversity. We have always believed Starbucks can – and should – have a positive impact on the communities we serve. One person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.
As good neighbors, we get involved with local efforts to bring people together and create positive change whenever we can. We also share our customers’ commitment to the environment and we believe in the importance of caring for our planet and working with and encouraging others to do the same. As a company that relies on an agricultural product, it makes good business sense. And as people living in the world, it is simply the right thing to do. We’re also committed to buying and serving the highest-quality, responsibly grown, ethically traded coffee to help create a better future for farmers. Furthermore, inclusion and diverse experiences help create a culture of empowerment at Starbucks, and this is how the Starbucks Signing Store, the first of its kind in the world, was developed here in Malaysia.
Over the years, Starbucks Malaysia has more than 5,500 volunteers who participated in more than 40 projects, contributing more than 70,000 community service hours during its Global Month of Good (GMoG) (formerly known as Global Month of Service) every April, a month where Starbucks partners and customers connect to dedicate and focus on contributing back to the communities where Starbucks operates around the world.
In 2019, Starbucks Malaysia partnered with YWCA, a nonprofit organization that works for the development of women and girls irrespective of the race, religion, culture, and socio-economic circumstances. Some of the projects run by YWCA KL today include a shelter for women in crisis based in Klang Valley, a preschool-kindergarten, an edible garden and an onsite vocation school of young women in KL called the Vocational Opportunity Centre (VTOC). The VTOC program includes Culinary, Tailoring and many more. This year’s upcycling theme for Global Month of Good contributes to the VTOC curriculum and enhances the livelihood and skillsets of the young girls and women in which they lend a hand in sewing the Starbucks Flavorlock™ Coffee Bags each with love and care. The upcycling campaign of used Flavorlock™ Coffee Bags proves one of Starbucks Malaysia’s many initiatives of working towards waste reduction.
Customers are encouraged to drop off their used Flavorlock™ Coffee Bags at Starbucks stores in support of the upcycling campaign. These used Flavorlock™ Coffee Bags are then passed to the VTOC for the production of these Flavorlock™ Coffee Bags into purses and pouches which will be retailed at all Starbucks outlets across Malaysia starting next year. Lastly, the funds contributed by the sale of these products will then be funneled to YWCA’s VTOC program in support of YWCA’s cause of helping the B40 community.