Human Capital Committee

The Human Capital Committee (HCC) was established in June 2021, to bring together corporate leaders from diverse backgrounds to explore issues impacting human capital development, establish standards and benchmarks while sharing best practices for HR and talent management as enablers for business and country growth.

Chair: Sri Vidya Nadarajah, Country HR Leader & Senior HRBP for GE Vernova, General Electric Malaysia
Vice Chair: Dr. Saravana Praveen, Country HR Leader, HP Malaysia


  1. Facilitate the exchange of ideas and sharing of best practices on current trends and challenges
  2. Connect professionals in the HR and talent space, while facilitating public-private collaboration
  3. Advocate shared interests to enable value-adding government policies and regulations
  4. Champion cutting edge themes such as innovation, sustainability, diversity, and digitalization that will shape the Future of Work

The committee hosts a series of events, programs, and initiatives on various topics of interest throughout the year. Meetings for the committee are held monthly. 

Please reach out to our Government Relations team at if you would like to find out how you can participate.