AMCHAM Breakfast Roundtables on Budget 2020 (Penang & Kuala Lumpur)
AMCHAM Breakfast Roundtables on Budget 2020 (Penang & Kuala Lumpur)

AMCHAM on 01 Nov and 04 Nov held closed-door briefings in Penang and KL with expert speakers to guide members through the contents of the Finance Bill, which is the government’s legislative instrument to implement the Budget 2020 announcements made by Minister of Finance YB Tuan Lim Guan Eng on 11 October.
Lan Kheng Ng, Executive Director of Deloitte Tax Services Sdn Bhd and Sarah Sheah, Tax Associate at Wong & Partners kindly supported the Penang edition. In Kuala Lumpur, Anil Kumar Puri, Partner, International Tax and Transaction Services at Ernst & Young and Wai Choong Chan, Executive Director (Tax) of PwC Malaysia shared their expertise.
Members got to know more about the reasons and issues behind the budget, the impact from global economy, likely impacts on the business environment, and into the details of specific legislative reforms. These sessions also provide excellent opportunity for members to help guide AMCHAM’s Government Relations team in their policy dialogues with the Malaysian government.