Citi : 5,050 Citi volunteers support schools

Citizenship is core to Citi and it is embedded in the company’s mission value proposition. Supported by Citi Foundation and in collaboration with local grant partners, Citi’s efforts focus on three areas – Urban Transformation, Financial Inclusion and Youth Economic Opportunities.

Urban Transformation – Think City undertakes the Green Transformation Program in Kuala Lumpur. The project promotes sustainable living and refurbishes underutilized spaces.

Financial Inclusion – ERA Consumer Malaysia is advocating for a National Financial Education Strategy for Malaysia. A National Financial Education Strategy Conference was held this year in collaboration with Bank Negara as part of the program.

Youth Economic Opportunities – The Edge Education Foundation runs the Money & Me’ Youth Financial Empowerment Program. It equips low- and middle-income youths with knowledge and skills on how to manage and grow their money.

Beyond partnership programs, Citi celebrates its annual Global Community Day. This year, Citi undertook a school makeover project across nine schools in Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Johor Bahru involving 5,050 Citi volunteers.