Members’ Briefing (August 2024)
Members’ Briefing (August 2024)

On 27 August, AMCHAM hosted our members’ briefing at Bungalow37, Bangsar. These briefings are crucial for keeping our members informed about AMCHAM’s activities and the latest updates from the U.S. Embassy.
AMCHAM’s CEO, Dato’ Siobhan Das, provided an in-depth update, sharing highlights from recent high-level engagements, key takeaways from the AmChams of Asia Pacific Annual Washington Doorknock, and insights from the Prime Minister’s presence at the Annual General Meeting.
Dave Williams, Economic Counsellor, and Francis “Chip” Peters, Senior Commercial Officer, from the U.S. Embassy, provided additional context on the Washington Doorknock and shared information on upcoming engagements.
The session concluded with an engaging Q&A, where members had the chance to voice their thoughts and interact with AMCHAM and Embassy officials directly.
We appreciate the active involvement of our members and look forward to seeing everyone at the next briefing!