Dialogue with Datuk Abdul Rasheed Ghaffour, Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia

On Wednesday, July 31, AMCHAM held an insightful dialogue session with Datuk Abdul Rasheed Abdul Ghaffour, Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia. This event provided our members with a rare opportunity to engage directly with the Governor in a candid and informative session.

The Governor offered an overview of Malaysia’s financial landscape, discussing the current economic climate, future projections, the rising cost of living, investment inflows, and the geopolitical factors influencing the economy.

He was joined by Assistant Governors Fraziali Ismail and Mohamad Ali Iqbal in a fireside chat moderated by Steve Clayton, Vice Chair of AMCHAM & J.P. Morgan. The dialogue explored recent economic developments, regulatory compliance frameworks, and ways to foster greater foreign and domestic investment in Malaysia.

We are grateful to the Governor and his team for their participation and insights. Special thanks to Prudential for their support.