Skrine: Malaysia competition commission makes proposed decision against eight enterprises in third bid rigging case
Skrine: Malaysia competition commission makes proposed decision against eight enterprises in third bid rigging case

The Malaysia Competition Commission (“MyCC”) continues to pursue one of its avowed enforcement priorities in targeting bid rigging cartels by making a Proposed Decision on the third bid rigging case since 2019. Government procurements continued to be the sector of focus.
The MyCC announced in a news release on 23 April 2024¹ that it has made a Proposed Decision on 16 April 2024 against eight enterprises for infringing section 4 of the Competition Act 2010 (“CA 2010”) by engaging in acts of bid rigging in 2019 in respect of two tenders of the Public Works Department (JKR) and one tender of the Department of Drainage and Irrigation (JPS). According to the MyCC, the three tenders involving the provision of services for construction works for roads and flood mitigation systems are worth approximately RM473 million.