Critical Mineral Business Forum: The Opportunities for Malaysia
Critical Mineral Business Forum: The Opportunities for Malaysia

On 5 February, AMCHAM hosted a unique gathering on one of the most talked about topics in today’s technology-led world with its first Critical Mineral Business Forum: The Opportunities for Malaysia.
The Business Forum was opened by YB Tuan Nik Nazmi bin Nik Ahmad, Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, who spoke about Malaysia’s opportunity and potential role in participating in the critical minerals sector as well as the nation’s goals going forward.
The audience was split between about 40 at the AMCHAM office and another 55 online who were able to hear directly from YB Howard Lee Chuan How, MP for Ipoh Timor, for a view from a parliamentarian; YB Liew Chin Tong, Deputy Minister of Investment, Trade, and Industry (MITI) concluded the program providing his views about future investments and positioning of the country for this opportunity.
The first session of the day featured Bradford Crabtree, Assistant Secretary at the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM), U.S. Department of Energy; Jessica Williams – Critical Minerals Officer at Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Government of Australia; and David Wallace – Deputy British High Commissioner at British High Commission Kuala Lumpur. Each speaker went into detail on how their respective countries approach their critical minerals industry, along with the policies and supply chains involved.
The second session was focused on laying out the groundwork for business, the business trends, and the opportunities available. This session featured Kimberly D. Harrington – Deputy Assistant Secretary at the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Energy Resources; Cari Shim, Vice President, Global Supply Chain Operation, MSO; Ramón Barúa Costa, CEO & Director of Alcara; and Eric Miller – President at Rideau Potomac Strategy Group.
YB Howard Lee Chuan How shared with the attendees’ insight into how parliament is currently handling critical minerals in Malaysia. The third session looked into the ingredients in designing a well-regulated industry, detailing the case study by the US Army Corp of Engineers. This session featured Winfield Wilson – CLDP Attorney Advisor on the Energy Transition Team, and Dr. Mark Chappell- Senior Scientific Technical Manager (SSTM) at U.S. Army Engineer Research & Development Center (ERDC); Dave Williams, Economic Counselor at the U.S. Embassy moderated the session. Joining the program, when his schedule allowed, was the U.S. Ambassador-designate, The Honorable Edgard D Kagan,
Thank you to all our special guests and guest speakers, both in-person and online, for making this business forum a success.