Creating a Better World at ISKL: From Empathy to Impact
Creating a Better World at ISKL: From Empathy to Impact

The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) hosted a thought-provoking VOX ISKL event titled ‘Creating a Better World: From Empathy to Impact,’ marking the ninth installment in the VOX ISKL series, a platform specially created to inspire, inform, and ignite conversations both within the school itself and the wider community about topics that matter.
Led by co-director and founder of Inspire Citizens, Aaron Moniz, the meaningful workshop dived into how we move beyond empathy to designing and implementing projects with positive impact and the role parents can play in helping their child/ren contribute to a more sustainable future.
Whether it is a simple everyday task such as showing how to sew on a button or mending a tear through to committing our skills, passion, and competencies to a cause we are interested in – our actions collectively create a school community that becomes a center for impact.
During the workshop, Aaron got the audience to design their own ethical impact project and experience for themselves how our students learn about global citizenship, service, and sustainability.
Watch the VOX ISKL playlist on ISKL’s YouTube channel and head on to to register for the upcoming VOX ISKL workshop with language expert, Dr. Gianfranco Conti!
For more information, please visit