Partnering to Prevent and Address Modern Slavery Risks in Southeast Asia
Partnering to Prevent and Address Modern Slavery Risks in Southeast Asia

On 22 September, AMCHAM hosted representatives from BSR , a sustainable business network and consultancy organization, to present and discuss the subject of modern slavery risks in Southeast Asia and how to address and prevent it.
Rosa Kusbiantoro, Director, BSR; Claudio Formisano, Associate Director, BSR’s Global lead on modern slavery and human trafficking; and Luciana Busian, Manager at BSR, conducted the session. Speakers went over the trends, challenges and what contributes to modern slavery as well as the response from businesses.
This discussion provided the platform for attendees to raise issues and concerns that they were facing when dealing with modern slavery. Speakers also shared a few case studies of real scenarios and how they were dealt with.
Thank you to BSR for a very informative and valuable session on modern slavery.