From the Desk of the CEO

Dear Members, 

2023 has been an interesting year for Malaysia and, indeed, the Chamber. 

As you may have noticed,  AMCHAM has a number of new staff bringing with them new ideas and fresh energy.  Starting off with our Operations Manager, Phoebe Nonis, Events Specialist, Christy Ooi, and two new Government Relations Managers:  Louis Denis for Public Affairs and Noel Meldan for Policy. 

Kevin Roch is still doing a great job in Membership and has gotten new support from a new Membership Executive, Shasvin Vincent.  Communications Executive Jeta Gitwadi continues to craft and disseminate all AMCHAM’s notices and manage the website. 

Rounding this out has been staff that have come in on our new program for fresh graduates as Chamber Associates: Cherylanne Ignatius and Graciely O’Hara, joining us in September, Khaleeja Suhaimi.

Myself and the Administrative Executive, Li Lee complete the rest Executive Office roster and we look forward to driving your chamber to greater strengths.  

However, this can only be done with your active engagement. 

AMCHAM is a membership organization.  As you see the activities at the Chamber, please do reach out and see how you can get more involved and even generate some of the activity by being part of the committees and other working groups

AMCHAM Committees play a pivotal role in fostering dialogue, sharing insights, and building connections. Recently, the Healthcare and Life Sciences Committee successfully hosted the Healthcare Forum 2023. Today, at a Young Professionals Committee event, 35 young members of your staff came to listen to Vikram Singh, CEO Citibank Malaysia as part of a new initiative, AMCHAM Unplugged,  to involve a young set of employees in our membership.  In September, AMCHAM will host an AMCHAM Johor Network Meeting for companies with interests in our southern state. We encourage all members to consider being a part of committees and actively contribute their perspectives and expertise amongst your fellow members. Your participation can make a significant impact on the discussions and initiatives undertaken by AMCHAM.

Please do encourage your staff to attend events – many are free to registered members and we welcome those from different business units or functions in your organization, from HR, legal, compliance, sustainability, logistics, risk management and tax.  Sharing is how we all learn and grow our own personal knowledge and networks.  

Ultimately, AMCHAM thrives when its members actively engage and collaborate. We look forward to having your active participation. Together, we can work towards shared goals and enhance the value of AMCHAM as a platform for sharing knowledge and networking.  Your active involvement is key to our collective success.