Haskell APAC Day of Service

Every year, Haskell APAC hosts a Day of Service where are all their offices in the region participate in servicing the community of their respective countries. This year, the Haskell Malaysia team revisited Yayasan Chow Kit (YCK), a non-profit organization that caters to the needs of children in and around Chow Kit, after learning about the opportunity to provide classroom refurbishment services. This was the perfect opportunity for Haskell in their mission to create a difference in quality of life, be it through arts & culture, education, or the relief of human suffering.

First, the Haskell team visited YCK to assess the classrooms and to find out exactly what they needed to begin. On 31 May, the team gathered at YCK at 8:30 a.m. and began moving new drywall pieces and buckets of paint to each of the classrooms and lobby area. The team was then split into 3 groups – 1 group in charge of replacing pieces of drywall, and 2 groups in charge of painting the lobby and classrooms. The teams then worked simultaneously to ensure that there was adequate time for the paint and drywall to dry, and by 5 p.m., the YCK lobby was painted, walls in the classrooms were patched and covered with a fresh coat of paint. The next day, YCK students arrived to their now freshly painted classrooms to paint a mural they can be proud of.