Inspiring Allyship
Inspiring Allyship

On 14 June, AMCHAM partnered with the 30% Club, to host the first “Inspiring Allyship” special networking evening. The event brought together Malaysian corporate leaders, professionals, and advocates who share a common vision of cultivating a more inclusive corporate landscape by supporting the achievement of a minimum of 30% Gender Balance at all senior decision-making tables across Malaysia.
After welcoming remarks by Siobhan Das, AMCHAM’s CEO, Dato Ami Moris, Chair of the 30% Club Malaysia kicked off the celebratory evening announcing that women now occupy 31% of the top 100 PLCs’ board seats in Malaysia – a goal that only schedule to be achieved at the end of the year . Her remarks emphasized what’s needed to improve diversity, equity and inclusion at senior management levels within corporations and move on to the path towards parity.
The event featured a critical element supporting diversity – male allyship – with three leaders sharing their insights. Ahmad Shahriman M. CEO, CIMB Islamic Bank and Rohit Nambiar, Group Chief Executive Officer, Tune Protect Group shared their experience driving diversity and provided advice gained from their experiences as a male ally. Dato’ Sri Idris Jala, CEO, PEMANDU Associates shared his presentation on “Managing Polarities” in approaching change and wrapped it up with a delightful musical interlude!
Thank you to the 30% Club Malaysia for partnering with us for this event.