Value-Based Market Access Malaysia Summit
Value-Based Market Access Malaysia Summit

The Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) system is a framework meant to restructure the healthcare systems with the end goal of delivering value for patients. On 7 February, AMCHAM, in partnership with APACMed hosted a summit that brought together stakeholders within healthcare to raise awareness of the VBHC system while also discussing healthcare in Malaysia.
Shakilla Shahjihan, Chair, Government Affairs & Market Access Committee, APACMed & Divisional Vice provided the opening remarks virtually. Glenda Teng, Regional Head, Government Affairs & Market Access Committee, APACMed launched the report on Value-Based Market Access in Asia-Pacific.
Datuk Dr. Kuljit Singh, President at Association of Private Hospitals Malaysia delivered the keynote address, elaborating on the nature of Malaysia’s healthcare system after the impact of COVID-19, the strengths and weaknesses and also where it can be improved. He then proceeded to join the panel discussion alongside Dr. Izzuna Mudla bt Mohamed Ghazali, Head of Malaysian, Health Technology Assessment Section (MaHTAS), Medical Development Division, Ministry of Health; and Antony Lee, Chairman, General Insurance Association of Malaysia (PIAM) / Chairman, AMCHAM Malaysia/CEO, AIG Insurance Malaysia. This session was moderated by Arif Fahim, Regional Director, Global Health Economics & Reimbursement, APAC, Abbott.
The panel discussion tackled the various issues involved in healthcare, particularly in Malaysia and how value is defined and established, with an emphasis on the patient as the end user. Thank you to all our guest speakers and panelists for an interesting discussion on healthcare.