Azmi & Associates: Bird’s Eye View for Trademark Protection in Malaysia
Azmi & Associates: Bird’s Eye View for Trademark Protection in Malaysia
Trademark Protection in Malaysia is mainly governed under the Trademarks Act 2019 (“TMA”) and the Trademark Regulations 2019 (“TMR”). On 27 December 2019, the TMA and TMR came into force, repealing the previous Trade Marks Act 1976 and Trade Mark Regulations 1983. Both of these governing laws are administered by the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia, also known as MyIPO. Being an agency under the purview of the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism, MyIPO is responsible for the development and management of the intellectual property system in Malaysia. To further assist the trademark matters in Malaysia, MyIPO has also issued the Manual of Trade Marks Law and Practice in Malaysia, Guidelines of Trademarks 2019 and Practice Directions which shall be read together simultaneously with the TMA and TMR.
This article by Azmi & Associates lists the governing laws surrounding trademarks in Malaysia, who can apply for a trademark and more.